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About Zoom workshops:
Zoom workshops function like normal workshops but we use the program Zoom to meet online. This means that you can participate from anywhere and that you save travel and accommodation costs.

A Zoom workshop consists of four (or five) 3-hour sessions with a short break in the middle. You sign up for all sessions. The sessions are recorded, so if you miss a session, you can watch the recording (the teaching, not the sharing/processing). You can also use the recordings to re-listen to the theory and re-do the reflection exercises.

Personality Structures / Enneagram (virtues)

(read description here)
Price: 1875 DKK
Teacher: Dr Claus Springborg
Five sessions: Oct 7, Oct 21, Nov 11, Nov 25 & Dec 9
Time: Wednesdays 5 to 8 pm UK time (6 to 9 pm CET)
Sign up for this course

Past events

On Support, Grounding & Confidence

(read description here)
Price: 1500 DKK
Teacher: Dr Claus Springborg
Four sessions: May 13th, May 27th, Jun 10th, Jul 1st
Time: Wednesdays 5 to 8 pm UK time (6 to 9 pm CET)
Sign up for this course

Personality Structures / Enneagram (vices)

(read description here)
Price: 1875 DKK
Teacher: Dr Claus Springborg
Five sessions: Feb 5th, Feb 19th, Mar 4th, Mar 18th, Apr 1st
Time: Wednesdays 5 to 8 pm UK time (6 to 9 pm CET)
Sign up for this course