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Module 7: On Appreciation (Pink Essence)

Practical Information:
Dates: Feb 7, 21, 28, Mar 7
Time: 5-8 pm UK time / 18-21 CET
Venue: Zoom (you will receive a link when you sign up)

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5,410.00 kr.


Appreciation without any reason feels deeply relaxed, open, soft, and healthy. Appreciation, which is not an appreciation of anything particular, brings a sense of self as perfectly loved and perfectly lovable. Such uncaused appreciation brings a feeling of this moment being perfect as it is. This moment is perfectly good at being exactly what it is. Because unconditioned appreciation has no cause, it can never really be lost. Resting in such appreciation dissolves any sense of being under-appreciated, undeserving of love and of having to deserve or bargain for love. It is the simple and natural flow of unconditional love.

Learning objectives

  • Learning to identify the somatic ground of appreciation
  • Getting familiar with the appreciation and appreciativeness
  • Working with strategies for achieving appreciation
  • Working with conflicts between ideals and sense of perfection
  • Working with cynicism
  • Working with issues related to softness
  • Understanding perfection of Being beyond value-judgements