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Module 19: On Self, part 3, Dec 16-17

Dates: 16-17/12 2021
Time: 9 am to 5 pm UK time both days
Venue: Zoom (you will receive a link when you sign up)
Prerequisites: Primarily for members of the Totnes group
Open to (a limited number of) members of other groups who have completed modules 1-15. If you are not in the Totnes group and wish to participate write to info@sensingmind.com

1,500.00 kr.

13 in stock


See price in different currencies. You will be charged in DKK


As we get more familiar with essence, and it becomes a regular companion in our daily lives, we can begin to experience a shift in our sense of self. Rather than experiencing ourselves as consisting of the thoughts and emotions of our personality structure, we begin to perceive ourselves as consisting of the felt sense states of essence.

When this happens, we begin to recognise what we used to identify with as mere bundles of thoughts, emotions and behavioural patterns, i.e. as inner parts of our personality. We begin to inhabit these parts without getting lost in them. We can play the parts of the personality, without forgetting that it is a play.

Identifying ourselves as essence brings a sense of perpetual companionship with ourselves and eases any feelings of loneliness. It also restores a sense of relaxed and easeful pride in ourselves and self-love, which is not in opposition to our pride in and love for others. It heals the hurt we have accumulated from all the situations where we were not seen with kindness, understanding and in a positive light, and it enables us to see others with kindness, understanding and in a positive light. When you feel your essential self, you no longer feel the need to demonstrate or insist on your worth. Instead, you will be at ease and free to live the journey of your spirit.

Learning objectives

  • Distinguishing between the essential self and the conditioned selves (ego)
  • Distinguishing between inspiration and compulsion
  • Working with moving point of identification
  • Understanding narcissism as a search for the essential self
  • Working with issues around narcistic preoccupations
  • Working with the ego ideal